What we do
solutions company
What We Do
About Green Miles
Your Preferred Partner
Green Miles Zero Waste Services Limited (GMZWS) is a well-established Waste Management company that has developed a waste disposal & recycling solution with the objective of completely eliminating the need to move domestic & commercial waste to landfills
- Mission
- Vision
- Goals
Our Mission is to best, effective and viable waste solution to all our clients and only work with reputable & sustainable recycling partners, continually identifying & establishing new & innovative programs that will add value to our customers.
Our Vision is To provide our customers with a world class Waste Management Solution that supports their efforts, offer best practice on-site waste management for a client’s healthy environment & help our clients have reliable & achievable on-site waste management process geared towards Net Zero accreditation
Our Goals are To continually grow, train & develop our team to adhere to industry-leading standards, with our ultimate being Zero Waste to landfill through our on-site waste management services for our highly valued clients
